14th May 2021


English language in the Covid era (2020- 2021)

Covidiot- A someone who ignores health and safety guidelines intended to prevent spread of COVID19 

Superspreader- A person or event responsible for transmitting an infectious disease to a large number of people 

Quarantini- A day or nighttime cocktail used to unwind amid remote work and covid lockdowns 

Social Distancing- set of measures to prevent the spread of Covid 

Germpod/ Quaranteam/ Bubble- A small group of people who follow the same rules and standards for behaviour and can thereby spent time together. Eg. IPL bubble 

Blursday- The fuzzy merging of time since the pandemic shut down so much of the world, making it difficult to determine what day of the week it is 

On Mute- popularised by Zoom calls around the world, when a fellow video caller is speaking without microphone on. 

Simp- Popularised on TikTok, for men overly accommodating or devoted to somebody ( usually a women ) or a very devoted fan 

Doomscroll- To addictively thumb through the deluge of bad news shared on social media in 2020, frequently at bedtime ! 

2020(verb) - when you bigger things up beyond belief. 

Coronacoaster- The ups and downs of your mood during the pandemic 

Coronials- Babies produced after a year of lockdown 

Locktail hour - Drinking in the lockdown era 

Moronavirus- What covidiots test positive for.  

New Normal- an oxymoron. Getting used to a new but much worse normal. 

The Covid- 19 ( phrase ) - refer to the 19 pounds an average person put on during this pandemic from stress eating. 

The elephant in the Zoom ( phrase ) - The glaring issue during a videoconference call that everyone feels unable to mention. 

Zoom- most popular App for videoconferencing 

You’re on mute - Most used words in 2020 

Zoom fatigue- exhaustion from back to back zoom meetings 

Zumping- Dumping a partner over zoom during the pandemic 

The Before Times- Pre- Pandemic life 

F.E.D U.P - Short for Financial stress, emotional stress, distance from others, unpredictability and personal and professional concerns 

Cluttercore- An aesthetic that embraces a large amount of books and decor 

Coronacut- bad haircut given under lockdown 

Walk tail- a cocktail consumed outdoors during quarantine 

Zoom- bombing- an uninvited guest crashing a Zoom meeting 

Zoom- town - where housing sales are booming thanks to remote work 

Coronasomnia- insomnia during a pandemic 

Maskne- Mask acne a skin condition caused by wearing masks, either through friction or condensation ! 

Pandemic fine - A state of being in which you are employed and healthy during a pandemic but tired and depressed and feel like trash all the time. 

BIPOC - term for Black, Indegineous and other people of colour, intended to highlight the experience of Black and Native Americans in US 

Karen- term for white women weaponising her privilege often at the well being of a BIPOC individual 

Quarantine and chill - A coronavirus era Netflix and chill 

Coronacation- staycation forced by pandemic

Social Shaming - to shame anyone publicly for not wearing a mask or gathering in large groups 

Flattening the curve - Goal to spread out the curve on a chart to avoid overwhelming hospitals 

Fattening the curve - when a bunch of covidiots catches moronavirus 

Having said this , this is one vocabulary I do not wish to expand and want to see the end as soon as possible. 

Food for Thought.......



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