24th June 2021
Musings....... Iran has elected its eighth president since the 1979 Islamic Revolution that ended the Pahlavi Dynasty. As one may know Iran is a theocratic state with partial elective democracy. At the top of the governance pyramid is the supreme leader - currently Ayatollah Ali Khaneneni who is in power since 1989 when his predecessor Ayatollah Khomeini died. The Supreme Leader is the commander in chief of all armed forces and security services, appoints the heads of radio and TV networks and the Judiciary. He also elects half of 12 member Guardian Council. The Guardian Council (GC) members vet candidature for all elected positions including the President, the 290 member Parliament and the 88 member Assembly of Experts. The GC also ensures all legislation passed is in conformity with the Sharia laws. In case there is difference of opinion, the matter is referred to a 45-member Expediency Council - which is again chosen by the Supreme Leader....