4th April 2020


There is so much of information floating around us.  In the time of an epidemic, such as now, the only thing that floats around is the word Covid19 and frankly I have become wary of it.

In my opinion the WHO ( International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses ) should grow a sense of humour. I mean why did they chose such a bland name for something that has turned the world upside down!

The truth is the whole world has been affected by the virus (180 countries). Life as we know existed, do not exist anymore and may not exist so in future. Remember I am writing this in the 10th day of the 21 day lockdown in my country !

Corona virus has taken a toll on all our lives and as I said we are surrounded by information on it - both true and false.
I do not intend to add to the misery of my readers by instilling more useless information on the virus, or our lackadaisical response to it. The writing on the wall is crystal clear- give some respect to the unseen enemy and obey the government and medical community.

Past month of my life has been unprecedented to say the least. Lockdown has taken a toll both physically and mentally.  I just learnt you can get bored even doing what you love the most.  In my case - Reading.

Turning to OTT ( Over the Top ) platforms such as Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hotstar etc. was the next possible thing to do. Contacting my friends within and outside Kerala and India, again through WhatsApp I got to know even they are fixated to their laptops and iPads and tablets.

This makes me ponder.  Have the conventional way of watching cinema died down.  Has the conventional movie making ceased to exist. That people can still enjoy the thrills of a movie or series sitting at their homes is something close to a revolution.  Cheaper data plans have meant even the lower middle class in India could easily access the medium for the occasional movie or web series.

I am seeing Academy Award winning actors and actresses in Netflix series !!
I should mention I am a fan of Netflix than Amazon Prime.  It’s like having an iPhone to an Android phone.  If Netflix is an Obama then Amazon Prime would be a Trump if you know what I mean.  The difference is in the class.

Again watching the news has changed. More and more people are relying on social media to access the news. With politicians and celebs doing Facebook live to disseminate news and reach out to their supporters and the public, I see a change in times.  Recently our Prime Minister hosted a SAARC and G20 through video conferencing!! Do you realise how much money governments saved through this ? This could be the future of meetings and official communications.

Human behaviour is bound to change. Faith has been questioned by a few.  Self proclaimed human gods have lost their market all over the world with supporters started questioning their powers.
In times of duress such as these the natural turn of events should have been to turn to the almighty. But we see no such mass hysteria.  In fact on the contrary, we are seeing a gradual loss in current faith propagators.

History has shown us that beliefs change over time. The Hindu culture were dominated by the priests and rituals. This was questioned by religions such and Buddhism and Jainism. Hinduism slowly started losing relevance in the subcontinent and could have been wiped out of this place, unless the Sage Adi Shankaracharya would not have come and revived Hinduism through his preachings of Advaitha Vedanta !

So moral of the story is, once this pandemic subsides or science finds a cure to this deadly virus, life as we know it could very well possibly cease to exist.
Human behaviour is bound to change in a sort of “post traumatic stress disorder” kind of way.

The UN Environment Programme has attribute few reasons for the increase in zoonotic diseases like the current pandemic -
- [ ] Illegal and poorly regulated wildlife trade
- [ ] Intensified agriculture and livestock production
- [ ] Antimicrobial resistance
- [ ] Deforestation and other land use changes  and
- [ ] Climate change

It would be advisable for future governments to consider these issues as of paramount importance in the coming years.
I mentioned future governments - this is because there is a very real possibility of huge economic hardships to the people post pandemic, resulting in voting out of most governments.

Let us all brace ourselves to a changed world once this pandemic gets over.

Food for thought.......




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