7th October 2018


Nadia Murad is a Yazidi-Iraqi human rights activist. Nadia was born in the Village of Kojo in Sinjar District of Iraq. At the age of 19,  her town in northern Iraq was rounded by ISIS fighters, killing 600 people including Nadia's brothers and stepbrothers - and taking her hostage.

The date was 15th September and hence started a 3 month ordeal for Nadia as an ISIS sex slave.
That year more than 6,700 Yazidi women were taken prisoner by the Islamic State in Iraq.  Nadia was held slave in the city of Mosul, beaten, burned with cigarettes and raped while trying to escape. Finally she was able to escape when her captor left the house unlocked. She sought refuge in a neighbouring family, who was able to smuggle her out of Islamic State controlled area, to a refugee camp in Duhok, Northern Iraq.

The YAZIDIS or YEZIDIS are a Kurdish religious minority, indigenous to a region of a northern Mesopotamia ( Ezidkhan) who are strictly endogamous. Their religion, Yazidism is monotheist and combines aspects of several monotheistic religions like Islam, Christianity, Judaism and Zoroastrianism. They live primarily in Nineveh Province of Iraq.  UNHRC reports says there are conflicting reports whether Yazidis are ethnic Kurds or form a distinct ethnic group.

After the ISIL ( Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant ) gained territorially in Iraq, there was much upheaval of the Yazidi population.  Captured women are treated as sex slaves or spoils of war, some driven to suicide. Women and girls who convert to Islam are sold as brides, those who refuse to convert are tortured, raped and eventually murdered.

Melek Taus ( Peacock Angel ) is one of the central figure of Yazidi Religion. Since the 16th century, some Muslims have accused Yazidis of devil worship due to the similarity between the Quranic story of Iblis and the account of Tawuse Meleks refusal to bow to Adam. Whereas Muslims revile Iblis for refusing to submit to God and bow to Adam, Yazidis revere Tawuse Melek for his independence and believe that Gods command to Tawuse Melek was a test to see if he understood his own majestic and sublime nature. Accusations of devil worship fuelled centuries of persecution, which have led Yazidi community to concentrate to remote mountainous regions of Iraq.

In December 2015, Nadia Murad briefed the United Nations Security Council on the issue of human trafficking and conflict. Famous International Human Rights Advocate Amal Clooney, her Attorney spoke before the UN office on drugs and crime ( UNODC) to discuss her decision to represent Nadia in legal action against ISIL commanders. Her testimony stated presence of trafficking, genocide and rape existing as a slave market both online on Facebook and in the Middle East. Nadias memoir was published in November 2017 named The Last Girl: My story of Captivity, and My Fight against the Islamic State.

As if scripted by a higher being, Nadia Murad was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize with Dr. Denis Mukwege on 5th October 2018 for their efforts to end use of sexual violence as a weapon of war and armed conflict.

Dr. Denis Mukwege is a Congolese Gynecologist and specialises in treating women who have been raped by rebel forces. He has treated thousands of women who have been victims of rape since the Second Congo War.

Nadia Murad is an embodiment of courage.  She was not only victim in lieu of being born a women but also victim of religious prosecution.

Nadia's story could be an inspiration for millions of young women around the world. Nadia is an inspiration for thousands of young Indian women too who are looking for a hero.
After Malala Yousufsai the world gets another hero to look up to and take inspiration.
The so called pseudo feminists, the Tripti Desai's of our country could do well to study Nadia Murad's fate and life. Such pseudo feminists could do well to thank Swami Ayyappan to have born in this great country that India is where religious tolerance is considered second only to God himself.
Food for thought.......



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